Having grown up in Carrol Gardens, and having been a business in this area for over a decade, Elite Fitness Studio is devoted to providing an environment that will support our local community in creating their physical and mental wellbeing.
In the spirit of giving back, Elite Fitness Studio opens our doors to the local community in offering partnership with local businesses with the offer of free conditional membership for one of their members, additionally, we are proud to have hosted Community Open Yoga every weekend for the past number of years.
You can find some details below, with links to more information, and how to sign up.
Community Open Yoga was started as a way to introduce the members of our local community to the practices of yoga and meditative practices. In addition, it serves as an opportunity for you to meet us, and for us to meet you. [more...]
The Community Program allows for 1 owner or manager of an established business a free studio membership in exchange for exclusive gym/fitness advertising rights in your business. If you're interested in a free membership, contact us today. [more...]