As a part of this agreement, your business allows Elite Fitness Exclusive marketing rights in your establishment: including brocures, free passes, and gift cards.
Exclusivity allows for no other health and/or fitness companies to be granted those rights at your location.
The Community Partnership Program allows for 1 owner or manager of a local business a free studio membership.
Payment: Free
Term: Indefinite
The Owner will not be able to change the person on the membership agreement until 6 months, and the Owner takes full responsibility for an damage done to the facility by anyone under this membership agreement
Your business will grant Elite Fitness Promotional rights one day per year for T-shirts, hats, and other giveaways. Also, your company is to include provided marketing materials on all deliveries & pick-ups one week per year.
If you are interested, contact Info at Elite Fitness Studio to make arrangements.
We look forward to hearing from you.